CCN Programmes - DCP
CCN provides international students with a ONE-STOP SOLUTION BEFORE, DURING and AFTER their degree studies in China through various programmes
The Digital China Programme (DCP)
The Digital China Programme (DCP) aims to fully expose students to professional experiences beyond classroom in the era of digital economy.
Real Product Project from real companies in the UEA enables students to complete the planning and implementation of a digital business project in teams, gaining hands-on experiences on entrepreneurial practice.
While gaining exposure to real business practice and gaining hands-on experience, students are also able to be recognized by companies/business owners for their project plans or/and outcomes, and provided with opportunities including working for companies, working as partners in students’ home countries/regions, receiving investments for start-up businesses.
Students will work in teams to complete a real project based on their previous study on industries in China and/or in their home countries.
Exposure to Real-World Business Scenarios & Best Practices
Hands-on Experiences for Entrepreneurial Practice
DCP can be recognized for practice credits by CCN member universities for degree awarding purpose. Practice is a compulsory part of a university degree programme. It’s usually scheduled to happen in the last two years of the degree study and organized by students themselves with supports from Chinese universities.
Practice Credits Recognized by CCN Universities
Opportunities for Industrial Practice
Following an industry-focused approach, CCN offers extensive opportunities for students to strength their employability through field trips as well as industrial and entrepreneurial practice. Students will have the opportunities to have real world immersive experiences by accessing real business environment to gain industrial insights, enhancing their career marketability and cross-cultural adaptability when working with people from various backgrounds.
Case 1: UEA students joined an exclusive eye-opening GDT field trip to Alibaba
A group of UEA students joined an exclusive field trip to Alibaba’s headquarter in Hangzhou on 29-31 March 2019.
With implementation of the GDT initiative for UEA eCommerce programmes, it was the first time for Alibaba to have opened its door to UEA students in China. Moreover, the whole field trip was tailor-made for UEA students, offering an eye-opening journey with a range of carefully designed activities including visits, workshops and group projects.
Apart from visiting the Alibaba Xixi campus and the flagship Hema store for a market survey, students were invited to visit Booster, one of Alibaba’s very first SME partners in China, providing online platform operation services to over 100 global companies now.
What’s special about this GDT field trip is that it’s task-bearing. All students are assigned with group projects that require intensive discussion and reflection throughout the two-day event. Each group is expected to complete a market analysis for a local product that is imported from their home country and currently sold in China.
DCP Programme Framework
DCP will be delivered mainly in two formats: lectures and projects.
Secretary-General of Alibaba GDT Network
Serial entrepreneur
Opportunities for Future through Link with Business World
In addition to lectures given by industrial experts and business owners, students will have the opportunities for on-site/virtual field trips and company visits, where they can talk to successful practitioners and learn about their insights and experiences.
Lectures delivered by industrial experts and practitioners are based on real-world business cases and best practices for industrial transformation and digital innovation in China in a global context, which aims to develop international students’ digital awareness and mindset.
Speakers’ Profiles
Throughout the whole journey of DCP, students will be supported by a commited team with the following roles:
Industrial Experts/Practitioners
Workshops, lectures and sessions of experience sharing will be delivered by experts and practitioners from different industries with successful experiences relating to digital economy. These experts and practitioners may also offer advice for students’ entrepreneurial projects and act as judges in the DCP Challenge.
DCP Coaches
Students will be assigned a DCP Coach who will organize tutorials and accompany students for field trips and company visits.
DCP Programme Manager
DCP Programme Manager will work as a coordinator to ensure the smooth running of the DCP programme.
Marketing communications specialist
Founder of In Plain Sight Consulting
25 years of experience
Cooperated with Samsung, Philips, Castrol, etc.
Design thinking
Education Specialist
Founder and CEO of USCD
Consumer Research Expert
Conducted research for Unilever, Yizi, Budweiser and other international brands.
Monetary policy and block-chain innovation specialist
Writer, educator, and entrepreneur
Marketing specialist
Founder of REST Duvet
Real Product Projects
Each projects usually will be undertaken in five phases as outlined below:
Sell the chosen products with effective digital marketing strategies.
Collect, analyze and interpret data to gain market insight.
Present your projects to industrial experts and potential investors.
Develop digital branding strategies to attract targeted customers.
Choose team members and set up the projects.